Crolla vs Burns: Matthew Macklin says that national pride adds to Anthony Crolla against Ricky Burns

By Matt Horan

Matthew Macklin says that the stakes could not be higher when Anthony Crolla takes on Ricky Burns with both fighters carrying the hopes of their nation.

Manchester's Crolla, 30, will battle Glasgow's Burns at the Manchester Arena on Saturday night live on Sky Sports, as both fighters look to return to winning ways following world title defeats.

It is a high-stakes clash, almost categorically etched with a win-or-retire scenario, and neither fighter wants to be the one potentially making his final bow in the sweet science.

The two countries always have great and fiery clashes in football and rugby and now boxing takes its turn, the atmosphere is certainly going to be electric.
Matthew Macklin

Macklin is in agreement that both men are fighting for their careers, but the former middleweight also insists that the fact the contest matches England up against Scotland only adds an intense fuel to the fire.

"This is a big fight for both guys and there is a lot of pride on the line," Macklin told Sky Sports. "There is a different feel to these big domestic clashes, they are fights you are desperate not to lose.

Ricky Burns admits his upcoming fight against Anthony Crolla will be his toughest yet

"It pits England up against Scotland and no doubt Burns will be bringing big support down past the border.

"The two countries always have great and fiery clashes in football and rugby and now boxing takes its turn, the atmosphere is certainly going to be electric.

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"Crolla has home advantage and of course it helps, there is nothing better when times get tough than to have the crowd roaring you on."

Anthony Crolla believes he has become a better fighter since defeat to Jorges Linares ahead of his must-win fight with Ricky Burns in Manchester this Saturday, live on Sky Sports

Macklin himself has been involved in big domestic clashes against Jamie Moore and Wayne Elcock, but he conceded that, considering the timing of this fight, Crolla and Burns are fighting for their careers.

"They're both coming back from defeat and it's difficult at this stage in their careers when they've already achieved most of their dreams and goals to keep rebuilding and going again," he said.

"Whoever loses this, you'd probably say that it is the end of the road, a loss would be a bitter pill to swallow and it would be very hard to come back from - this is all or nothing.

"Of course they are both still big names, former champions who draw big crowds, so the winner will probably get back to fighting for world honours, but it's a long way back for the other."

Watch Anthony Crolla against Ricky Burns, Sam Eggington faces Mohamed Mimoune, Robbie Barrett battles Lewis Ritson and Conor Benn against Nathan Clarke from 7pm on Sky Sports Action.
