Tony Bellew on SAS Who Dares Wins, being inspired by the military and life after boxing

By Tony Bellew, Boxer & Pundit

Image: Bellew underwent intense military training on TV show SAS: Who Dares Wins

Tony Bellew explains his experience on TV show SAS: Who Dares Wins alongside other celebrities...

It was mad. I don't know how many were attacking me at once, but there was a fair number. It was only John Fashanu that I thought might try to have a sly poke at me!

So I just gave him the shoulder and he realised exactly what time it was when that shoulder struck him in the chest. The hardest to hit me, on the back of the ear, was Helen Skelton!

Some surprised me, some disappointed me, some inspired me. Paralympian Lauren Steadman was an inspiration. Rudimental DJ Leon Locksmith was phenomenal.

Anthea Turner just kept going and going! The girls stuck in and worked hard. Joey Essex will surprise people. Everybody put the work in.


Where it got the real 'let's see what you're made of?' A couple of people let themselves down.

It was an amazing thing what everyone went through. You're in a hostile environment, sleep-deprived, lack of food, it's a culmination.

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When I look back and see how much physical work was done? Not that much. But the sleep and food deprivation plays tricks on your mind.

When I came out for three weeks I was waking up sweating in bed, looking for exit points in my own house. That is no lie. It was a strange, strange feeling when I first came out.

I'm not perfect and I never claim to be. I try to stay busy day by day with my lovely family.

That's the reason I did the show. I've always idolised guys in the military especially at the elite level.

Coming away from fighting? I wish I could carry on. If I had any choice, I'd still be fighting now. I love nothing more than having a fight.

But we all have sell-by dates in our professions as elite-level athletes. After 33 or 34 years old you decline. I knew I was declining and I had to get out. It's hard to deal with.

It's not what I was used to, where every day I had something to focus on. Every day I would punch someone in the face and I loved it!

Times change.
