Cruiserweight contender Sam Hyde has joined Joe Gallagher's gym

By Richard Damerell

Image: Sam Hyde is the latest addition to Joe Gallagher's gym

Sam Hyde is the newest recruit to Joe Gallagher's successful gym and we found out more about the exciting young cruiserweight.

The 23-year-old has been working on his ring skills alongside former world champions such as Anthony Crolla and Paul Butler after joining new trainer Gallagher this month.

With a record of 10 wins and a solitary draw, Hyde is hoping to work towards a title fight, and he offers insight into life behind the doors of the Bolton gym...

Image: Hyde has joined Gallagher's talented crop of fighters

Why did you decide to link up with trainer Joe Gallagher?

I've left 'Champs Camp,' the gym I've been at since I turned professional. I parted with them on good terms and the first person I thought of calling was Joe Gallagher.


I've seen what he's done with other fighters, but more than that, when I've been there sparring I've just liked the set-up and everything about it.

How was your first week in the new gym?

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It's been amazing. Just being around that team environment is unreal. It's something I've never really had before, apart from when I've done stints with England, but you don't really have that vibe as such.

It's not a coincidence that there are so many top fighters from that gym. I'm proud and privileged to be there.
Sam Hyde

What are your first impressions of Gallagher as a trainer?

Obviously there are loads of added extras for why I would go with Joe Gallagher, but mainly it's just how he does everything and how obsessed he is with boxing. I think that's what you need as a boxer.

What are the sessions like?

What Joe says is: 'It's not about training, it's about training smart.' That's certainly what we do. Everything has a reason why we're doing it. A lot of thought goes into the training.

Image: Anthony Crolla was guided to a world title by Gallagher

Is it inspiring to train alongside such an accomplished group of fighters?

The team environment is amazing. We all get in the ring on our own, but we are pushing ourselves together and that creates an advantage going into a fight.

If you're lacking something and I'm not the greatest runner, but when I'm on the treadmill I'm trying to keep up with Paul Butler, who is an amazing runner.

It's not a coincidence that there are so many top fighters from that gym. I'm proud and privileged to be there.

Image: Hyde could be on a collision course with fellow cruiserweight Lawrence Okolie

What is your opinion of British rivals Isaac Chamberlain and Lawrence Okolie?

I rate both of them, they are good fighters, and the good thing about us three - we are all young as well. I'm wanting every one of us to be made a star, because then stars will fight each other. Big fights are made because of two top fighters like George Groves and James DeGale.

When will you have a first fight under Gallagher?

I'm hoping to be out in the next seven to eight weeks. Nothing has been announced yet, but I hope to be on some good shows.

Joe Gallagher's verdict:

He's another exciting cruiserweight coming through. The division is going to get interesting with the likes of him, Jordan Thompson, Lawrence Okolie, Jack Massey. There are good fights to be made in 12-18 months' time.
Joe Gallagher