ECB to train 2,000 South Asian female cricket coaches

Image: Isa Guha and Graeme Swann were at a community event in Leicester

The ECB is to train 2,000 South Asian female volunteer coaches, thanks to £1.2m of funding from Sport England.

The new volunteers will combine coaching and mentoring to inspire and support the next generation of cricketers.

They will support the delivery of All Stars Cricket, the ECB's entry-level-cricket programme for five-eight-year-olds, in seven cities (Birmingham, Bradford, London, Leeds, Leicester, Manchester and Nottingham) and act as role models, showing young people the positive part that cricket can play in their lives.

Image: The ECB wants to train up to 2,000 female volunteer coaches and mentors

The ambition to expand the female coaching network was one of the 11 key measures outlined in the ECB's South Asian Action Plan, launched in May to transform the way cricket engages with British South Asian communities.

Thirty per cent of people surveyed during the consultation process for the plan said more female coaches would encourage more South Asian women and girls to play the game.

Image: Former England cricketer and Sky Sports presenter Guha took part in a game

Former England Women's cricketer and Sky Sports presenter Isa Guha said: "Coming up through the ranks of cricket as a woman of South Asian heritage, I'm acutely aware of the importance of attracting young girls from a diverse range of backgrounds to play our great game.

Also See:

The ECB is to train 2,000 South Asian female volunteer coaches, thanks to £1.2m of funding from Sport England.

"We need to invest in attracting women into coaching and facilitator roles to help train and nurture the next generation of stars. This funding from Sport England will go a long way towards helping us achieve this goal."
