Neville Southall becomes patron for LGBT+ campaign group Just A Ball Game?

Image: Neville Southall has become a vocal ally for the LGBT+ community in recent weeks

Former Wales and Everton goalkeeper Neville Southall has become a patron of LGBT+ campaign group Just A Ball Game?

The 59-year-old, who won a record 92 international caps for his country and was made an MBE in 1995, has become a straight ally ambassador for JBG?, who have been working since 2010 to help build a more inclusive football community for LGBT+ people and to combat discrimination and homophobia in the sport.

Southall has also become a patron for Bradford City's LGBT+ fan group, having had a short but memorable spell as a player at Valley Parade in 2000. He became the fourth oldest player in Premier League history when he turned out in the Bantams' 2-1 home defeat by Leeds United in March of that year.

Image: Former Everton goalkeeper Southall will work with Just A Ball Game? and Bradford's LGBT fan group

On his new roles, he said: "I think it's important that the football community and the LGBT+ community talk more, and maybe I can help?"

Southall has become something of a social media sensation in recent weeks, engaging with fellow Twitter users on LGBT issues and amassing over 100,000 followers in the process.

"I think it's only a matter of time that a footballer will come out," he added. "With the work of charities like Just A Ball Game?, we hope to make it a better environment to help that happen."

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Just A Ball Game? founder Lindsay England said: "Neville is a fantastic addition to the LGBT+ and straight alliance for both our JBG? educational campaign work, and raising the profile of the LGBT fan group at Bradford City."