VOTE: How Harry Wilson's free-kick compares to best in Premier League history

We look at the best free-kicks from Premier League history as a comparison

After Wilson's fabulous free-kick against Manchester United in the Carabao Cup, we take a look where it ranks among the best in the Premier League

Harry Wilson's free-kick for Derby has got everyone talking, but how does it compare to the best in Premier League history?

Wilson's superb 32-yard free-kick helped Derby on their way to a penalty shootout victory over Man Utd in the Carabao Cup third round on Tuesday, and the 'knuckleball' style has gained praised from every angle.

"I don't think I've seen a better free-kick, ever," said Darren Bent in the Sky Sports studio. "For him to get that kind of movement and knuckleball as they call it, it was unbelievable."

Derby's Harry Wilson scored an incredible free-kick to equalise against Manchester United in the Carabao Cup

Jamie Redknapp was also impressed. "He opens his foot up and hits it with a side foot. It bamboozles the keeper, he doesn't know where it's going," Redknapp said.

Also See:

Is it the best free-kick you've seen? Watch the video at the top of the page of some stellar free-kicks and then vote for your favourite...

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