Coronavirus: Elite sport in England continues behind closed doors despite new Tier 4 restrictions

Boris Johnson announced a new Tier 4 lockdown for London and most of the South East in a briefing on Saturday; secretary of state for sport Oliver Dowden later confirmed elite sport will continue but without fans

By PA Sport

Image: Chelsea can continue to play under Tier 4 restrictions but fans will not be in attendance

Elite sport will continue behind closed doors in England despite large areas of the south east moving into tighter coronavirus restrictions.

Secretary of state for sport Oliver Dowden confirmed elite sport will continue but without fans in the wake of the Government introducing new Tier 4 Covid rules in areas including London, Kent, Essex and Bedfordshire.

People in Tier 4 cannot mix indoors with anyone not from their household, but elite sport will be able to continue.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the new Tier 4 restrictions in a Downing Street press conference on Saturday afternoon.

Dowden then confirmed the Government position on Saturday night that elite sport will be able to continue.


"Sadly, rapidly rising cases and emerging info on the new Covid variant mean London and parts of the South East now need to move into Tier 4, which will be similar to national restrictions in November," he tweeted.

"Previous exemptions apply for those who need to work, eg elite athletes, performers etc.

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"Professional sport and culture can continue behind closed doors in Tier 4."

Shortly after the announcement, the FA issued a statement to clarify which non-elite football in Tier 4 areas would be permitted, with the National League, National League North and National League South set to continue, while training and competition in the four levels below them in the National League System is not allowed.

Image: Indoor and outdoor adult grassroots football is not permitted in Tier 4

The Women's Super League and Championship can continue, but the teams from the third tier and below cannot play or train, while the Women's FA Cup, which is currently classified as non-elite at this stage in the competition, cannot go ahead.

Regional NLS feeder leagues, the WSL Academy League and participants in indoor and outdoor adult grassroots football have also been told they may not play or train.

"The Government's Tier 4 guidance states organised outdoor sport for under-18s and disabled sport will be allowed, while there are exemptions for FA Girls' Regional Talent Clubs," the statement read.

"The Government's guidelines on travel between tiers should be adhered to. Players in Tier 4 cannot play or train in Tiers 1, 2 or 3."

Image: Golfers can play with members of their own household or support bubble, or with one person from another household

England Golf issued a statement to say golf courses in Tier 4 areas can remain open for individual play, two-balls from the same or different households/bubbles, or three or four-balls involving people from the same household/bubble.

The statement said: "In Tier 4 areas, golf courses can remain open for individuals playing with members of their own household or support bubble, or with one person from another household.

"Outdoor coaching will be allowed on an individual basis or for multiple members of the same household or support bubble. Indoor coaching will be not be permitted.

"There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes, and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing."

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