David Meyler Interview: Hull City midfielder talks ambitions, Steve Bruce and FIFA 15

By Ryan Parrish - @ryanparrish1919

Sky Sports caught up with Hull City midfielder David Meyler to discuss ambitions for the season, summer signings, Steve Bruce, Alan Pardew and the best FIFA player in the dressing room.

Speaking ahead of the launch of FIFA 15, Meyler was gearing up for Hull's Premier League trip to Newcastle and has already set his sights on an improvement on the last campaign after what he describes as "fantastic" two years under Steve Bruce.

Are you happy with how the season has started?

"Yeah. Obviously we were a bit disappointed with the Aston Villa result but besides that we’ve done well – we won at QPR and drew with Stoke and West Ham. It’s been alright. We’re looking to build on that at Newcastle on Saturday and get another three points."

Has it been quite an exciting summer seeing big-name signings like Abel Hernandez and Hatem Ben Arfa arriving at the club?

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"Of course, you look at Hernandez’s strike the other night – his header was brilliant. Ben Arfa has the feet and the tricks and the skills to get people on their feet. We’re all excited for him to get out there and play, produce some magic for us and hopefully win us some games."

Does that bring a sense of added competition to the squad?

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"It’s always going to be (competitive). Last year we brought in the likes of Huddlestone and Livermore, this year again we’ve brought in more. It’s good, it’s what the team needs. There’s a great hunger there.

"There’s a great camaraderie between the team, everyone gets on really well. We’re all fighting for a few places but it’s good. It keeps everyone on their toes – we have to perform well every day in training and in games. It’s what we need."

What’s the aim for Hull this season then? Do you have a league position in mind?

"I think anywhere above 12th. I said 12th last season and we kind of drifted off towards the end. I think the players were so focused on the FA Cup final, people didn’t want to pick up knocks. This year we’ve got to build on it again, we’ve bought good players and goalscorers as well."

You would obviously have loved to be playing the Europa League, but do you think it may be an advantage not to have that distraction?

Image: Europa League: Meyler in action against Lokeren

"I actually quite enjoyed playing in it. It was great for us to start the season because we went into proper games rather than nothing friendlies, sauntering around and trying not to get injured.

"We were playing competitive games against decent teams. I’d have loved to have stayed in it. It’s a great tournament and it would have been exciting for the Hull fans and the players to play in Europe on a Thursday night."

There’s been a lot of speculation about the futures of both the manager and the owner in the last couple of weeks, is that something you take much notice of as players?

"No. We can’t look too much into that. We’re just working every day in training and we’re just focused on Saturday’s game. We can’t be looking too much into what’s happening outside."

Just how good of a job has Steve Bruce done since taking charge in 2012?

"To lead the club into the Premier League for the second time ever in his first season, keep us in the Premier League and lead us to an FA Cup final is only something you could dream of when he agreed to takeover Hull City. If you’d have told the manager that - he’d have bitten your hand off. It’s been fantastic.

"It’s been a great two years but we can’t just make it two years. We want to make it three, four, five and keep building every year which is what the manager has done with the players he’s signed. We’re trying to push the club forward."

Saturday is your first time up against Alan Pardew after last year’s headbutt incident, is all forgiven now?

Image: Headbutt: Meyler laughs off the incident

"It was all forgotten about three minutes after it happened because we were 3-1 down against Newcastle. We weren’t playing well and I was more disappointed about the result of the game to be thinking about anything else. He’s apologised, it’s forgotten about and we move on. We’ve just got to make sure we win Saturday and beat him and his side."

You’re promoting the forthcoming release of FIFA 15, is it a game the lads at Hull play?

"There’s actually quite a few – Huddlestone, Livermore, Rosenior. I believe the new lad Hernandez fancies himself a bit as well. He’s been asking in the changing rooms about FIFA, asking ‘When do we play?’"

Who is the best FIFA player in the dressing room?

"I’m going to say me. Tom Ince and Huddlestone will think differently but I think I’m number one dog. We play a couple of little competitions on away trips now and again. George Boyd – who’s now at Burnley – used to bring a little telly so we used to always play it. The lads love it."

When you’re choosing a team to play with, would you pick Hull City? And would you select yourself in midfield?

"I’d have to play myself. We tend to play with the top teams in Europe. I like to play with Real Madrid because of players Ronaldo and Bale. All the lads like Bayern, Real, Chelsea, Barcelona, teams like that - the ones everyone seems to choose online."

Play as David Meyler in EA SPORTS FIFA 15, out Friday 26th September on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and all other formats. Pre order NOW to get your copy on #FIFA15Friday from easports.com/uk/fifa/buy 
