Adam Johnson accuser's friend 'doubted claims'

By Sky News

Image: Adam Johnson at court with girlfriend Stacey Flounders

A friend of the teenager at the centre of the Adam Johnson court case has said she did not initially believe her claims about a sexual encounter with the footballer.

She said her friend had showed her messages from the 28-year-old former Sunderland and England star "20 times".

The witness, who cannot be identified because of her age, told Bradford Crown Court: "At first I thought 'it's definitely not Adam Johnson then'."

A second friend of the girl also gave evidence and described how a third encounter between the pair was arranged but Johnson did not turn up, texting the girl to say he did not have an excuse that he could give his girlfriend to leave the house.

This witness said her friend was "not very happy" with the footballer.


"She had come over, she was mad at the fact that he had messed her about. She had come over to see Adam and then he did not show up. So she was mad at him.

"That was the same night she told her mam and dad."

Father-of-one Johnson has admitted grooming the girl and to sexual activity involving kissing, but denies two further counts of sexual activity with a child under the age of 16.

The trial continues.

For full details, follow the latest report on Sky News.
