Met Police warning ahead of Chelsea v Tottenham

By Paul Vinnell

The Metropolitan Police has warned Tottenham and Chelsea supporters that any trouble at Monday's Premier League clash will be dealt with "robustly".

There have been a number of violent incidents between the two sets of fans in recent years, and with the game taking place on a Bank Holiday Monday, there are concerns that all-day drinking could add to problems.

A Met Police spokesman said: "A proportionate policing plan will be in place on match day, Monday 2 May.

"The Met has a long history of policing thousands of events every year including football matches.

"We met with representatives from the football clubs and their supporters groups on Thursday evening, 28 April to give them an opportunity to ask any questions they may have of the police and the policing operation and for us to explain our expectations of the fans.


"We want fans to enjoy the event but drink responsibly. Any anti-social behaviour, crime or disorder will be dealt with robustly.

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"The Met has a long history of working with football clubs and the football authorities, including the FA, to educate, encourage and empower supporters to stamp out racism in football and to ensure that there is no misunderstanding about what constitutes racist language or behaviour.

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"Racism and offensive language have no place in football. Those supporters who engage in such behaviour should be under no illusion that they may be committing an offence and may be liable to a warning or be arrested."

Chelsea have given Spurs fans detailed advice on which pubs they should use before the game, and other related travel advice. 
