Sky Sports pundits Gary Neville, Jamie Carragher, Alan Smith, Thierry Henry, Niall Quinn and Graeme Souness pick their top four

Sky Sports' football experts pick the teams they think will qualify for the Champions League this season

Who do the Sky Sports pundits think will make the top four?

We asked Gary Neville, Jamie Carragher, Alan Smith Thierry Henry, Niall Quinn and Graeme Souness to name their contenders - and none of them picked Manchester United or Arsenal.

Our experts believe the sides currently in the top four - Chelsea, Tottenham, Liverpool and Manchester City - will be the ones playing Champions League football next season. Although a few reckon Manchester United may qualify through the Europa League.

Read on to see what all of them had to say....

Graeme Souness - Chelsea, Tottenham, Liverpool, Man City

There is nothing guaranteed in the Premier League. That's what makes it so interesting. All you can be guaranteed of is that there will be twists and turns.


I think United and Arsenal will miss out. It will be a blow if Man United do not get there, but I can see them winning the Europa League and getting in that way. They are one of the world's genuinely big clubs, maybe just behind Real Madrid and Barcelona and on a par with Bayern Munich and I think they have to be in the Champions League if they want to join the big boys again, so the quicker they get there…

I think with Liverpool it's very much for them to lose now, in terms of being out of the top four. I think they're in a great position.

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Arsenal have been a couple of players to three players short of being the real deal for the past decade now and that has never happened and I think this year they are even further away than they have been for a long, long time. And I think that is why they will miss out on the Champions League this year.

Thierry Henry - Chelsea, Tottenham, Man City, Liverpool

Arsenal usually finish in a strong way and the top four still have to play each other, but it's difficult to see Arsenal making it.

It is a massive gap now to finish in the top four. I will say in comparison to how they played against West Brom, it was a massive improvement against Man City.

Jamie Carragher - Chelsea, Tottenham, Liverpool, Man City

I think Arsenal will miss out. I also think Man United will still be in the Champions League next season if they win the Europa League.

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Liverpool have an advantage of no European football but I feel if Liverpool and Tottenham get into the top four they have had a great season because they don't have the budget that other sides maybe more going for the title have.

I think, with the position they're in, Liverpool would be really disappointed if they didn't make it and I think it would be a big blow if they don't finish in the top four.

Niall Quinn - Chelsea, Tottenham, Man City, Liverpool

United threw away a golden opportunity to give themselves a step up into that battle by drawing with West Brom at the weekend but if they can get a couple of wins or six points under their belt, that sets them up well for the derby. It sets them up well for the other games they have against the top six teams. I wouldn't discount them. Jose will be pushing them right to the end, and if they put a strong finish in they may just surprise people.

Arsenal have to dig really deep. From what I saw from them at the weekend, they'll probably be delighted to get a draw and didn't go anywhere near to win the game late on.

Image: Man Utd did not make it into the top four predictions of any of the Sky Sports pundits

They've lost their confidence a bit and you felt it in the stadium. Arsene Wenger was talking after the game basically saying it's very bad and they may not make it to the Champions League. I'd be very wary of Manchester United putting a run together.

What now in top-four race?

Who's got the edge in the race for the top four?

Spurs under Pochettino are a team who have lovely individual players but they've got a collective spirit. A desire and a hunger that is different to the old Spurs teams. The difference between Spurs and Arsenal is Spurs have a defence to be proud of.

Gary Neville - Chelsea, Tottenham, Liverpool, Man City

I think it will be the current top four and Man United and Arsenal will miss out. It will be difficult for Tottenham to catch Chelsea and I don't see it happening.

It was inconceivable to think that Chelsea were going to go the whole season without dropping points. They will drop more points before the end of the season, there's no doubt about that because they have some tough fixtures coming up but can the others capitalise and are they capable of going on the run required to be able to catch them?

Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher discuss whether Tottenham can catch Chelsea on Premier League Daily

The fixtures and the way they're laid out is important. So many of the United games, they should have won and could have won. They just haven't got that killer instinct to kill teams off. I suppose in some ways when you can identify where you're going wrong, your weaknesses and where you need to improve, then I suppose that's a good thing in some way.

At this moment in time, they make it so difficult for themselves to get in the top four. If you like at the fixtures they've got, it is so tough. I think too many mistakes have been made.

Alan Smith - Chelsea, Tottenham, Man City, Liverpool

I don't see Arsenal finishing in the top four, unfortunately. I just don't think they've got the momentum that they've had in previous years.

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There's something clearly not right there, obviously with Arsene Wenger's situation. It looks like it's going to be the first year that they finish outside the top four under Arsene Wenger.

The way Conte has gone about his work at Chelsea has been hugely impressive. It seems a happy camp.

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