Tactical Cam is back: Your chance to watch MNF like the professionals

Gary Neville explains how you can have the chance to watch Monday Night Football through the eyes of the pundits with 'Tactical Cam' on the red button

Sky Sports is offering you the chance to watch Monday Night Football through the eyes of our pundits with 'Tactical Cam'.

When West Ham host Newcastle at Upton Park on Monday evening, you can press the red button to view the match in the same way that Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher do in the MNF studio.

The wide-angled camera view will be available for the full 90 minutes, allowing Sky Sports viewers to clearly see every players' movement on the pitch.

Neville insists that the wider, still shot, which takes in all four corners of the pitch, gives professionals a better perspective and understanding of what is happening.

Image: Tactical Cam offers a wider angle on the action

"A lot of people watch games but they don't see the game," Neville says.


"On Monday Night Football, I watch a birds-eye view of the whole pitch. 

"For the first 15-20 minutes, I'll stand there and watch the big camera and get a picture of the game. Then, I might come and sit back down, when I've got a picture of the game and the patterns.

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"If something changes on the screen people are seeing at home, I might go back to the big screen and think 'well, what's happened?' 

"You're looking at the game differently, you're looking at it as a coach. That's how a coach or manager would look at the game."

Gary Neville uses the Tactical Cam to analyse Manchester United's defence

And now Sky Sports are offering football fans the chance to do the same. Should an West Ham player be out of position on the left side as Newcastle begin an attack down the right flank, you'll know about it. If a Newcastle forward is late tracking back to deal with an West Ham attack, you'll see.

This is your chance to step into the shoes of a Sky Sports pundit.

Simply press the red button on Monday night and see if you spot something they don't.

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