WATCH: Manchester United hold minute's silence in memory of terror attack victims

Manchester United held a minute's silence for the victims and those injured in the Manchester attacks

Manchester United's first-team squad have observed a minute's silence in memory of the victims of Monday night's terror attack.

The squad came together at Carrington to remember the 22 people who were killed and the 59 who were injured during the explosion which went off shortly after the end of an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena.

United flew out to Stockholm on Tuesday afternoon from Manchester airport ahead of the Europa League final on Wednesday night against Ajax at the Friends Arena.

The club have cancelled their pre-match press conference, which was due to take place on Tuesday evening to preview the match, in the wake of the attack.

And UEFA has announced there will be a minute's silence, and a reduced opening ceremony, before the final.

Image: Wayne Rooney stands with his United team-mates as they observe the minute's silence

A United spokesperson said: "Due to the tragic events in Manchester last night, and the effect that this has had on everyone here at the club and within our city, we have decided to cancel this evening's pre-match press conference in Stockholm. We are sure that, in the circumstances, you will all understand our position on this matter.

"Our thoughts are with the victims and their families at this terribly difficult time."

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Jose Mourinho also expressed his sympathies, saying: "We're all very sad about the tragic events last night; we can't take out of our minds and hearts the victims and their families.

"We have a job to do and will fly to Sweden to do that job. It's a pity we cannot fly with the happiness we always have before a big game.

"I know, even during my short time here, that the people of Manchester will pull together as one."

Manchester United chief executive Ed Woodward said the club's directors were "sombre" when flying over to Stockholm on Tuesday with talks dominated by Monday's attack, and confirmed UEFA had given permission for the players to wear black armbands in Wednesday's game.

"Words don't really do justice for how we all feel. We're numb," Woodward told Sky Sports News HQ. "The events were sickening and all our thoughts are with the victims and the families affected by it."

"We've got a job to do tomorrow, there's no doubt about that and that hasn't changed. But I think what happened last night really puts things into perspective. Success on the pitch really is nothing compared to the pain and the suffering that is going on back home. So that's where our thoughts are at this moment in time."