Ryan Giggs: Manchester United need more consistency

Image: Ryan Giggs: United require greater consistency

Ryan Giggs is upbeat about Manchester United’s chances next season and believes The Red Devils can challenge for honours, home and abroad, providing they can improve their consistency.

Although United generally held their own against the better teams in the Premier League, five of their eight defeats came against Leicester, Everton, West Brom and Swansea twice.

And the 41-year-old Giggs, assistant to manager Louis van Gaal, said: "We've had a pretty good start and are back in the Champions League, which is exciting.


"As we have shown this year we are capable of matching the best teams in the league.

"Now we just have to work on our consistency, and if we get off to a good start next season we can definitely do that."

Following his 24 years as a player, the Welsh international admits he views the game differently nowadays while sitting on the touchline as van Gaal's deputy.

Image: Giggs had a brief spell as the club's interim player-manager in 2014

He added: "The biggest thing you learn going from player to coach is not to think like a player any more but to think like a coach.

"As a player you're pretty selfish. You want to do well and you know what you're capable of doing and how to get it.

"I wanted to be the best as a player and I want to be the best as a coach. That means working hard and doing everything you can to achieve it but also enjoying the challenge.

"You need to get the best out of 25, maybe 30, different individuals so you need to find what makes them tick."
