Jose Mourinho burns players out, says Fabio Capello

Image: Chelsea have won only two of eight Premier League games this season

Fabio Capello says Chelsea's struggles this season prove that Jose Mourinho "burns out" his players.

The Blues find themselves in the unusually low position of 16th in the Premier League after only winning two of their first eight games.

Mourinho has described it as the "worst period and results" of his managerial career and on Monday, Chelsea issued a statement confirming the manager continues to have their "full support".

Former England manager Capello says the poor start to the current campaign further reinforces a theory he claims to have heard at Real Madrid that Mourinho does not prepare his players for matches appropriately.

"Mourinho burns out his players after a year and a half, at most two years," Capello said on Fox Sports.

Image: Fabio Capello is not surprised by Chelsea's form this season

"I had already heard it when he was in Madrid and now we have confirmation in London.

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"It is true that Chelsea are paying for some of their absences - like [Thibaut] Courtois - but there have also been tactical errors from the coach, who this year is not preparing for matches very well."

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