Happy Carvalho eyeing history

Image: Carvalho: Happy again

Ricardo Carvalho says he is glad he stayed at Chelsea and he is now targeting Champions League glory.

Defender happy at Stamford Bridge and wants to win Champions League

Ricardo Carvalho says he is glad he stayed at Chelsea and he is now targeting UEFA Champions League glory to make history with the club. The Portuguese defender was close to joining former Blues boss Jose Mourinho at Inter Milan over the summer after an injury-plagued campaign last term. But the 31-year-old was told by new boss Carlo Ancelotti he was wanted and he has rediscovered his best form this term. Now he wants to win the Champions League with the Blues - who have reached the semi-finals of the competition five times in the last six years - to make history and improve the club. He told the Daily Telegraph: "The last year was difficult, it was the worst year I have had. "I was injured for about seven months, it felt, and I never came back fit. I was not happy with my season and also the club was not happy with me and I could feel that.


"For me, I like to be here, but if they wanted to let me go, then I would go. I'm only happy when I'm playing. I had a contract but I only wanted to stay if they wanted me. "There was talk of a transfer. At that time we were talking about Inter but I always said it depended on the club. "I started pre-season and I didn't know if I was going to stay but Carlo Ancelotti said I wasn't leaving and I had no problem with that. I'm happy I stayed." Carvalho won the Champions League with Mourinho at Porto and he is aiming to lift the trophy once more. "It's been difficult because it has just been small, tiny details that can end your dream," he said. "Everyone knows how important the Champions League is for us and to lose out because of a small detail, a mistake or an injustice is hard."
The biggest disappointment was losing to Manchester United on penalties in the final two years ago and he does not ever want to be in a dressing room like at the Luzhniki Stadium after the narrow defeat. He added: "I remember people speaking but it was just words. I was not listening. People had their heads in their hands. "Mr (Roman) Abramovich came in, he shook everyone's hand, every player and spoke to John (Terry), consoling us. Someone said 'it's just a football match' and I remember walking away. "I had to be on my own and went to the treatment room and just laid down. I had to get out of that atmosphere. "I feel we should have won the Champions League by now. I should have won it with Chelsea. "The first time to win a trophy is very important and to improve a club, you have to win and make history."