South Yorkshire Police chief David Crompton suspended over Hillsborough response

By Michael Kelleher

South Yorkshire Police released this statement on Tuesday following the conclusions of the Hillsborough inquests

The chief constable of South Yorkshire Police David Crompton has been suspended over his response to Hillsborough.

It comes the day after the inquests into the Hillsborough disaster delivered findings of "unlawfully killed" for the 96 football fans who lost their lives on April 15, 1989.

South Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings said he had no choice but to act "based on the erosion of public trust and confidence".

Dr Billings said: "I have been left with no choice other than to suspend David from his duties as chief constable of South Yorkshire police.

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"I have reached this decision with a heavy heart following discussions with David both in the run-up to and following the delivery of the Hillsborough verdicts.

"My decision is based on the erosion of public trust and confidence referenced in statements and comments in the House of Commons this lunchtime, along with public calls for the chief constable's resignation from a number of quarters."

On Tuesday, Crompton admitted the force got the policing of the match "catastrophically wrong" and "unequivocally" accepted the jury's conclusions from the inquests.

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The families of the 96 people who died at Hillsborough had called on Crompton to resign immediately, and accused the force of seeking to mislead the inquests into their deaths.

Lawyers representing the families said in a statement they hope Crompton's conduct "will be subject to the rigorous and impartial scrutiny which has so long been denied to the families".

The news came hours after Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham described Crompton's position as "untenable" in the House of Commons as MPs discussed the fallout from Tuesday's inquests conclusions about the disaster 27 years ago.

Burnham said that South Yorkshire Police had gone back on its 2012 public apology following the release of the Hillsborough Independent Panel report and engaged in an "adversarial battle" at the fresh inquests.

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He said: "Shamefully, the cover-up continued in this Warrington court room. Millions of pounds of public money were spent re-telling discredited lies.

"Lawyers for retired officers threw disgusting slurs; those for today's force tried to establish that others were responsible for the opening of the gate.

"If the police had chosen to maintain its apology, this inquest would have been much shorter.

"But they didn't and they put the families through hell once again."

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