Liverpool’s Fabinho burgled during Premier League title celebrations

Liverpool's Fabinho had his home burgled as the midfielder celebrated the club’s first Premier League title win.

It is understood thieves broke into the Brazilian's home somewhere between 3pm on Wednesday July 22 and 4am on Thursday July 23.

Merseyside Police have said items of jewellery and an Audi RS6 were stolen during the raid in Formby with the car later recovered in Wigan.

The house and car have been forensically examined by Crime Scene Investigators and CCTV enquiries in the area are on-going.

The burglary was discovered when Fabinho returned to the property - just hours after Liverpool beat Chelsea 5-3 at Anfield with the trophy being presented after the game by Sir Kenny Dalglish.

A Merseyside police statement said: "Detectives in Sefton are appealing for information following a burglary in Formby.

"Police were called to an address in the early hours of this morning (Thursday, 23 July), when the occupants entered their house to find it had been burgled."

Liverpool had clinched the title with seven games to spare on June 25, when Chelsea beat second-placed Manchester City, but had to wait for the conclusion of their final home league game of the season to finally get their hands on the silverware.

Despite no fans being allowed in the stadium, captain Jordan Henderson lifted the club's first English title in 30 years in style as a specially designed podium was built on the Kop.

Detectives would urge anyone who has any information about this incident, especially anyone who was in the area and may have dash-cam footage which shows a grey Audi RS6 to get in contact.

DM @MerPolCC or call 101 quoting reference 188 of 23 July. You can also contact @CrimestoppersUK anonymously on 0800 555 111.