Luis Diaz: Alisson and Jurgen Klopp pay tribute to strength of Colombian after scoring while father still missing

Liverpool winger Luis Diaz made an emotional Premier League return as he scored stoppage-time equaliser at Luton with his father missing after being kidnapped in Colombia; "Football, in dark moments, can bring joy to people," said Alisson

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp and goalkeeper Alisson Becker pay tribute to the Luis Diaz, as the winger awaits news on his father following his kidnapping in Colombia.

Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson paid tribute to the "inner strength" of his team-mate Luis Diaz, after the winger scored an injury-time equaliser at Luton while his father is missing in Colombia.

Diaz returned to the Liverpool squad for the first time since his father was kidnapped last week by the guerrilla group National Liberation Army, also known as ELN, and dramatically stepped off the bench to head in and grab a 1-1 draw for his side.

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While Reds boss Jurgen Klopp said there had been some "positive signs" from South America, where officials are in negotiations with the radical left-wing rebels, Diaz's father's continued absence will have weighed heavy on the player who returned to his homeland last weekend before returning to training this week.

Diaz's intervention at Kenilworth Road was testament to his mental strength, said Alisson, who also noted the power of football to act as a positive distraction. He dedicated a goal he scored in May 2021 to his father, who had died earlier in the year.

"It says a lot about his character, his inner strength," said Alisson about Diaz. "Not many people can imagine what he's going [through] now, even though we are close to him, we are supporting him, we feel his pain but for him it's a different level.

Image: Diaz celebrates scoring against Luton by revealing a 'Libertad Para Papa' (Freedom for Dad) message underneath his shirt

"Football, sometimes, in the dark moments can bring joy to people, can bring joy to somebody who is struggling. I think football is bringing a slice of joy to Lucho at this time.

"We are together with him for whatever he needs, to take his time. He came, he trained, came to the game, scored a fantastic goal for us that was really important and we are with him 100 per cent.

"Football always surprises, in a good way sometimes. It happened with me when I was going through a really difficult moment. It happened today, it happened other times for other people.

"When you are on the pitch you are focused on doing your job, trying to help the team to get points. He did it for us, he did it."

Diaz statement appeals for father's release

Luis Diaz:"Today this is not the football player speaking to you. Today Lucho Diaz, the son of Luis Manuel Diaz, is speaking to you. Mane, my father, is a tireless worker, our pillar in the family and he is kidnapped.

"I ask the ELN for the prompt release of my father, and I ask international organisations to intervene for his freedom.

"Every second, every minute our anguish grows; my mother, my brothers and I are desperate, anguished and without words to describe what we are feeling. This suffering will only end when we have him back home.

"I beg you to release him immediately, respecting his integrity and ending this painful wait as soon as possible.

"In the name of love and compassion, we ask you to reconsider your actions and allow us to get him back.

"I thank Colombians and the international community for the support we’ve received, thank you for so many demonstrations of affection and solidarity in this difficult moment that many families in my country are going through."

Klopp: We still need some improvement in Colombia

Klopp - who embraced Diaz after the full-time whistle - described the goal as "a wonderful moment" but was keen to underline that all that matters is the safe release of Diaz's father.

"It's a wonderful moment but it doesn't change the situation yet," said the Liverpool boss. "The most important thing is that his father gets released so we don't have to make that now.

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"It's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. He wanted to be here and he gets that. But that's it. For us, super important goal and for him very important, of course, and yes very emotional. But that's it.

"He always can do that when he's on the pitch. He's always involved in special things, this season as well. So yeah, of course we knew he'd be a threat. We didn't know exactly how long he can play because he only had a few sessions with the team. But that's all fine. That's not the important part today. He scored the goal, that's wonderful. But we need still some improvement in Colombia."