Theo Walcott is confident Arsenal can wrap up third spot in the Premier League

Image: Walcott was happy to celebrate the own goal that secured the Gunners a 1-1 draw

Theo Walcott is confident Arsenal can secure the point they need from their last two Barclays Premier League matches to beat Manchester United into third place.

The Gunners held United to a 1-1 draw in Manchester thanks to a late Tyler Blackett own goal - a fateful deflection off Walcott's cross took the ball beyond Victor Valdes - after Ander Herrera had opened the scoring in the first half.

Arsenal have two games to play - against Sunderland and West Brom - while United have just one and, with a two-point lead and a superior goal difference, winger Walcott believes his side will do enough to clinch third place.

He told Sky Sports 1: "We've come to Old Trafford and got a positive result.

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"At times we didn't play well but you could see that in the last 20 minutes we were very strong. We showed how fit we are as a team.


"We've got a game in hand over United now and it was a crucial point, knowing that. We just need one more point because of goal difference.

"It feels like a win for us today."

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The 26-year-old has been restricted to a place on the substitute's bench since his return from injury but after making an instant impact at Old Trafford, Walcott is targetting a place in Arsenal's FA Cup final starting line-up.

I’ve been very patient coming back from injury, " the England international added.

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"It always takes time when you come back. I feel I’m getting ready in training and I just need more match minutes.

"But as a substitute you have to be positive and you need to be focused as well because when you get a chance you need to take it.

And when asked about an FA Cup final starting spot, he replied: "You'll have to ask the manager about that but hopefully I've given him something top think about."
