Tottenham Supporters' Trust asks for clarity over Antonio Rudiger 'racist abuse'

Met Police confirm to Sky Sports News the investigation has been ongoing over the festive period with no arrests having yet been made.

Image: Antonio Rudiger called for witnesses to come forward following the incident

The Tottenham Supporters' Trust (TST) has called on the club and the Met Police to clarify what has been established by the investigation over alleged racist abuse directed at Chelsea defender Antonio Rudiger.

The Germany international was seen indicating he had faced racist abuse during Chelsea's 2-0 win at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on December 22.

He imitated a monkey gesture, and it led to announcements in the stadium that racist behaviour was interfering with the game.

Kick It Out head of development Troy Townsend believes more action needs to be taken against racism, which continues to 'fester and flourish' in football

    The Met Police have confirmed to Sky Sports News that while no arrests have been made in connection with the alleged incidents, the investigation has been ongoing over the festive period with assistance from Tottenham and the FA.

    The TST said in a statement on Friday: "It's now 12 days since allegations that Antonio Rudiger was racially abused by the home crowd at the Premier League game between Spurs and Chelsea on Sunday 22 December.

    "In the interests of all concerned, there now needs to be a clear statement on what has been established by the investigation THFC announced immediately after the game.

    After an alleged racist incident marred Chelsea's victory at Tottenham, Sky Sports' Gary Neville spoke out passionately

    "Either there was racist abuse, or there wasn't. If racist abuse occurred, the perpetrators must be punished. If none occurred, the reputation of Tottenham Hotspur fans must be cleared.

    "We understand the need for any investigation to be conducted properly. We acknowledge that the number of working days over the Christmas and New Year period presented a challenge. And we have been mindful of the need to refrain from comment while the investigation was in progress. Too many people have rushed to judgement before being sure of the facts.

    "But the lack of any update from either the Club or the Police after the initial Club statement on 23 December, other than a brief reference to the investigation being ongoing on 24 December, is leading to increasing levels of speculation and conjecture. The time has come for the facts as they are known to be laid out.

    "We have continuously urged for a swift conclusion throughout the festive period and now publicly call upon THFC and the Metropolitan Police to clarify as a matter of urgency what facts have been established, and what still remains to investigate."