Rafael Benitez would instil harmony at Newcastle, says Les Ferdinand


Les Ferdinand is convinced Rafael Benitez can bring stability to the club

Rafael Benitez is the right man to continue leading Newcastle and would help stabilise the relegated club, Les Ferdinand has told SSNHQ.

The 56-year-old Spaniard replaced Steve McClaren in March but could not prevent the Magpies from dropping to the Championship despite winning more matches than he lost.

Sky sources understand the club are close to confirming that Benitez will stay on as manager next season.

Ferdinand, who scored 50 goals in 84 games at Newcastle during 1995-1997, said: "Most people will probably look at it and say he came in a month too late. Unfortunately they got relegated.

"But if you look at what he's done from the time he's come into the club until now. He's experienced and his credentials mean he's the right man for Newcastle. If they appease his demands then hopefully they can persuade him to stay.


"There needs to be some harmony. That's what Rafael Benitez can do. He can bring that together and bring the hierarchy and supporters together.

Rafael Benitez confirmed he is happy at Newcastle

"It's his style of management and the way he wants to do things. People have seen this already and he's started a nice feeling around the place."

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Benitez signed a three-year deal to become Newcastle boss when he arrived at St James' Park two months ago, but his contract is reported to include an option to cancel at the end of the season.

However, hopes are high at the club Benitez will stick around after "positive" meetings with owner Mike Ashley and managing director Lee Charnley over the weekend.
