Premier League: Papiss Cisse happy with goals in Newcastle's 2-2 draw with Hull City

Image: Papiss Cisse's two goals rescued Newcastle

Newcastle's two-goal saviour Papiss Cisse said he dreamt he would score the night before he earned the 2-2 comeback against Hull City.

The Senegal striker was preparing to be brought on just as Mohamed Diame scored Hull's second, adding to Nikica Jelavic's stunning 48th-minute scissor kick opener.

Cisse's 73rd and 87th-minute goals rescued Newcastle - and possibly manager Alan Pardew's job - and he admitted afterwards it has not been the easiest of weeks.

“The week was so hard for the team,” Cisse said. “We lost against Southampton last week 4-0 and today it was like ‘do not lose the game’. If you can win, you win but don’t lose the game.


“Today the team worked together and played well. We scored two goals and I think all the players are happy.

More from Newcastle V Hull City

“Yesterday I was in bed and I was thinking ‘tomorrow is going to be like my first game in England against Aston Villa, I am going to score tomorrow’ and I scored.

“Newcastle need to look forward and be strong. If you are losing 2-0 or 3-0 and the game is not finished you are not a loser. You need to keep going.”

Cisse's double-strike, however, was a hammer blow for Diame and his Hull team-mates, who appeared to be cruising to their second Premier League victory of the season. 

“We are very disappointed,” Diame said.

“After we were winning 2-0, we can’t concede a lot of chances like we did against Newcastle. We had the crowd reversed for most of the match but we didn’t win so we are disappointed tonight.

“Winning 2-0, the crowd was upset with them and we should have kept the ball better than we did. We lost two points today.

“We know we have a great squad, with great quality in the squad but we need to play more games together to get a good mix together and be better on the pitch."
