Manchester City charged in relation to FA's anti-doping rules

By Sky Sports News HQ

SSN HQ's Bryan Swanson explains more as Manchester City are charged by the FA in relation to the organisation's rules on anti-doping

The Football Association has charged Manchester City in relation to the organisation's rules on anti-doping.

The matter refers to rules concerning 'club whereabouts' and does not concern player misconduct.

It is understood City are charged in relation to the whereabouts of junior and senior players and includes alleged changes to training schedules.

It City are found guilty, it is thought highly likely they will face a fine rather than a sporting sanction, such as a points deduction or ban.

Sky Sports News HQ understands the charge does not relate to Samir Nasri, who is on loan at Sevilla, following last month's drip treatment claims.


A statement from the FA read: "It is alleged the club failed to ensure that their 'Club Whereabouts' information was accurate, contrary to Regulation 14(d).

"City have until 19 January 2017 to respond to the charge."

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Under Regulation 14 clubs have to provide details when requested including players training dates, start and finish times of training, addresses where training takes place and home addresses for all players.

Regulation 14(d) states: "It shall also be a breach of this Regulation 14 by the Club if the information contained in such reports is either initially inaccurate or has not been updated by the Club as necessary to ensure it remains accurate."
