Can Manchester City catch Chelsea? Gary Neville and Jamie Carrager discuss...

By Gary Neville, Football Expert @GNev2

Jamie Carragher and Gary Neville discuss whether Manchester City can catch Chelsea at the top of the Premier League

Can Manchester City catch Chelsea at the top of the Premier League? Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher give their views on Monday Night Football...

Following Chelsea's 1-1 draw at Burnley on Sunday, City closed the gap to Antonio Conte's side to eight points with a third straight league victory at Bournemouth on Monday evening.

With 13 games left in the season, the Sky Sports pundits were asked if Pep Guardiola's men could catch the Blues.

Neville thinks City, who play just three league games from now until the end of March, will have their chances of challenging Chelsea disrupted by the upcoming fixture programme.

Image: Chelsea were held to a 1-1 draw at Burnley on Sunday

"The problem all the teams have at the moment is that there is no momentum at all," the former Manchester United defender told Monday Night Football.


"There's the FA Cup this weekend, then there's the international break for two weeks at the end of March so in the next six or seven weeks there's very few league fixtures.

"City are a case in point. They've got three league games in the next six weeks. To really put pressure on Chelsea you need a quick two or three matches where Chelsea might lose a game on a Saturday, City or the other challengers win and then all of a sudden they might have a game in midweek. There isn't really that momentum to really build up and that will really suit Chelsea."

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If Man City could keep Vincent Kompany fit for three months and get the football and leadership qualities out of him, they could go on a big run.
Gary Neville

"What City have in the next few weeks is confusing," he added. "They have different cup competitions and Manchester United, Arsenal and Tottenham have the same. Chelsea and Liverpool do have that sort of clear mind."

When asked if City could catch Chelsea, Neville said: "It could happen but it's a long shot. I don't think it will happen and I don't think Pep Guardiola thinks it will happen.

"What could still happen? Chelsea could get injuries and I think that's the one thing that could damage them.

"If City could keep Vincent Kompany fit for three months and get the football and leadership qualities out of him, they could go on a big run."

Image: Gary Neville thinks a fit Vincent Kompany could inspire Man City to go on a long unbeaten run

Guardiola was asked in his post-match interview about the prospect of catching Chelsea, but the Spaniard was quick to say they were too far behind Chelsea to catch the Premier League leaders.

Carragher thinks Guardiola was right to play down his side's chances of bridging the gap.

Pep: Gap too big to Chelsea

Pep Guardiola says Manchester City are too far behind Chelsea

He said: "When Pep Guardiola's asked that question, he doesn't really want to talk about it because he's so pleased with how his team is performing, just thinking there is a big gap there but we don't need to concentrate on that.

"He'll be thinking we just need to keep winning games and see how close we can get. Eight points is a good gap but if you could get to within four or five points then you are starting to ask some serious questions.

Image: Manchester City are eight points behind Chelsea after their 2-0 win at Bournemouth

"It's still a massive ask but I totally get why Guadiola's not getting involed in that kind of talk because he's just pleased his team are playing well and winning games.

"If Chelsea do something stupid that's down to them but he's now putting things in place, maybe even more for next season. And they are getting confidence and belief looking forward to next season."
