Bobby Decordova-Reid and Joe Bryan: Friends reunited at Fulham

"We did notice they were close quite early on," says Fulham midfield Tom Cairney.

Bobby Decordova-Reid and Joe Bryan grew up together at Bristol City, playing together through the club's academy after meeting at the age of eight.

They briefly went their separate ways in the summer of 2018, but now find themselves back together at Craven Cottage, after Decordova-Reid joined on loan from Cardiff in the summer.

"I just said he's an idiot and I don't like him at all, and they signed him anyway so what chance have you got?" jokes Bryan, who initially left Bristol City for Fulham in 2018, before being joined by his old friend a year later.

"I was buzzing because I knew he'd fit in well here, I knew his style of football and as a person, I was excited. Obviously you don't want to get too hopeful about things like that, but when I heard there was a chance it was definitely a positive."


Reid replied: "If I've got any problems or anything I can go straight to Joe, I can ask him how things work at the club. I could really get settled quicker than I would usually.

"I think we want to get promoted, that's the main aim, we've got to take it game by game, I really believe that we can do it, I think we've got a great squad here, I think if we work hard and I think we can beat most teams in the league."

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While Bryan adds: "Hopefully we carry on and get promoted and play in the Premier League together."

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