Murphy plays down row

By James Dall

Image: Murphy: Wants end to row

Danny Murphy says his comments made about Wolves, Blackburn and Stoke 'were blown out of all proportion'.

Midfielder feels comments 'were blown out of all proportion'

Fulham midfielder Danny Murphy has insisted his comments made about Wolves, Blackburn and Stoke 'were blown out of all proportion'. Murphy recently intimated that managers Mick McCarthy, Sam Allardyce and Tony Pulis send out their players so "pumped up" that they are more prone to committing reckless challenges. The Cottagers skipper's words were made amid the spotlight being shone on a spate of poor tackles in the Premier League, which Murphy branded "ridiculous" and "brainless". On Thursday and Friday, the bosses mentioned responded to Murphy's comments with Allardyce challenging the player to apologise and McCarthy branding them as "silly without a great deal of knowledge".

Draw a line

But, in the programme notes for Fulham's Premier League match with Tottenham, Murphy wrote: "Much has been made of some comments that came from a conference I was asked to speak at last week. "These were taken out of context to a large extent, and were blown out of all proportion. "For the record, I have a huge amount of respect for the managers of the clubs that I named, and for their achievements in the game. "Anybody who listened to the debate in its entirety would have understood the points I was trying to make, so let's draw a line under it."