West Ham 'doing everything' to sign a striker, says David Gold

West Ham co-chairman David Gold has told Sky Sports News HQ that he is looking to bring two new signings to the Boleyn Ground.

West Ham are “doing everything in our power” to sign a new striker, co-chairman David Gold has told Sky Sports News HQ.

“We’ve lost (Enner) Valencia for the beginning of the season. We were already believing that we required another striker in the squad and we’ll be doing everything in our power to bring in the best players we can,” said Gold.  

Valencia is facing a long spell on the sidelines after suffering a “significant” leg injury during West Ham’s draw with Astra Giurgiu on Thursday..

Image: Enner Valencia's injury 'doesn't look great', says David Gold
On the extent of Valencia’s injury, Gold said: “We’re still waiting to hear definitively, but I have to say it doesn’t look great."


West Ham have been linked with Atletico Madrid’s Raul Jimenez, Manchester United’s Javier Hernandez and QPR’s Charlie Austin. 

We were already believing that we required another striker in the squad and we’ll be doing everything in our power to bring in the best players we can
David Gold, West Ham co-chairman

Speaking ahead of West Ham’s friendly with Bundesliga side Werder Bremen, Gold said he expects West Ham to bring in “at least two new players” before the transfer window closes on September 1. 

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One of those players could be Barcelona midfielder Alex Song, who Gold hopes to bring back to Upton Park after a successful loan spell last season. 

Image: West Ham are hoping to bring Barcelona's Alex Song back to Upton Park
Image: West Ham are hoping to bring Barcelona's Alex Song back to Upton Park

“We enjoyed Alex Song’s contribution last season but these things are ongoing. We’re not panicking, we’re not going to do poor deals. We’re going to do sensible deals. 

“By the time we kick-off, we should be in good shape.” 
