WATCH: Johnny Russell's calamitous own-goal

Derby County winger Johnny Russell doubled Sheffield United's lead for them by an own goal whilst trying to clear his lines!

Derby's Johnny Russell doubled Sheffield United's lead, scoring an own goal while trying to clear his lines!

It goes without saying that scoring an own goal is a low point in any professional footballer's career. But when you're a goal behind, it becomes even more of an unwanted accolade; on Saturday it was Russell's turn.

Having just blazed a shot over the bar at the other end, Russell tracked back to defend as United advanced towards Scott Carson's goal and reached the 18-yard line as Kieron Freeman was weighing up a cross into the area.

But as Freeman's delivery reached the feet of Caolan Lavery, he took a poor touch and the onrushing Russell connected sweetly with the ball, tucking his shot far to Carson's right.

Visibly embarrassed, Russell retreated from the area with his head in his hands. It wasn't to get much better for the Rams, as they eventually went down 3-1.

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Hit play on the video above to see Russell's calamitous own-goal as it happened.
