Derby boss Frank Lampard thanks Brentford for supporting Duane Holmes

Image: Derby boss Frank Lampard says racism is a problem in life and not just football

Derby manager Frank Lampard has thanked Brentford for their response to the alleged racist abuse of Duane Holmes, for which a man has been arrested, and said the issue goes beyond football.

Police arrested a Brentford season-ticket holder on Saturday on suspicion of directing racist abuse at Derby midfielder Holmes in the 3-3 draw at Griffin Park.

The man was taken to a west London police station after being taken into custody at the ground and was later released on bail until an unspecified date in May.

Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Lampard said: "He [Duane] is OK. He was upset at the time, which is understandable, but now he's okay, it's up to the authorities to deal with it now.

"This is not just a problem for football. It's everywhere. They are trying to find better ways to deal with these things.

Image: Duane Holmes complained of being racially abused in the dugout during Derby's 3-3 draw with Brentford

"I have to say Brentford were great about it, so let's not say anything more, they were fantastic and very supportive."

Brentford manager Thomas Frank said the club are happy the incident has been dealt with, and reminded fans of the behaviour expected of them.

"I know that incident has been dealt with by authorities so we are pleased with that," Frank said at a press conference on Monday.

Image: Brentford manager Thomas Frank said the club held an event on April 4 to discuss issues of racism and discrimination

"We have a crowd and fans that are backing us every single match, and they've done it throughout the season and the last three seasons I've been here in a very, very good way. So I hope they will do that again on Wednesday [against Ipswich].

"Everybody knows what we are standing for at the club; we want to say no to racism and discrimination - it's the same thing going forward."

Frank said the club staged an event in early April to discuss what could be done to help promote inclusivity.

"We had a big evening, Thursday night with Brentford Football Club, it was a big chat about racism and discrimination," he said.

"It's a big area for us to do everything we can do in our local community, and how can we help everybody else to get more educated through the club.

"We want a broader and bigger diversity in the world, and everything we can do to help that, we would love to help."