Gordon Banks funeral at Stoke Minster on Monday with thousands expected at bet365 Stadium

Thousands of people are expected to line the streets of Stoke on Monday to pay their final respects to Gordon Banks.

The funeral of England's World Cup-winning goalkeeper, who played the majority of his club career with the Potters and Leicester City, will be held inside Stoke Minster at 1.30pm.

Banks died at the age of 81 on February 12 and Monday marks the 47th anniversary of Stoke's 1972 League Cup final win over Chelsea, a game he played in.

The funeral service is by invitation only, but supporters with tickets will be able to watch on big screens at the club's bet365 Stadium where the funeral cortege will enter at around 11:45am and spend 30 minutes there before leaving on a 10-mile route around the city.

Stoke fans give their reaction to the news England's World Cup-winning goalkeeper Gordon Banks has died at the age of 81.

Captain Ryan Shawcross, and team-mates Joe Allen, Bruno Martins Indi, Charlie Adam, Tom Edwards and Mame Diouf will form a guard of honour as Banks' coffin is carried into Stoke Minster.


Former players Andy Wilkinson and Ricardo Fuller will also join the guard of honour along with Banks' team-mates from Stoke's 1972 team.

World Cup hat-trick hero Geoff Hurst and Stoke City chairman Peter Coates will be among keynote speakers.

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Image: Tributes to Gordon Banks on his statue outside the bet365 Stadium

Sheffield-born Banks made 510 league appearances for Chesterfield, Leicester and Stoke, but it was on the international stage that he established himself as a star, winning 73 senior caps, most famously in the 4-2 World Cup final victory over West Germany in 1966.

However, he will probably be best remembered for his heroics in Mexico four years later when he made the breathtaking save which was to define his career when he somehow managed to turn Brazil star Pele's header over the crossbar.
