Brent pledges transparency

Image: Home Park: Owner pledges transparency

Plymouth owner James Brent has pledged to be transparent, after announcing plans to give fans access to the club's daily workings.

At a supporters' meeting on Saturday, Brent revealed the details of a proposed fans' board at Home Park - namely the Green Army Supervisory Board - which will allow Pilgrims fans the opportunity to elect a seven-strong body of supporters who will be able to directly question the club's hierarchy. The London-based businessman, who saved the Devon outfit from certain liquidation in October, credits Argyle's fanbase with keeping their team alive long enough to allow a takeover. And he hopes the opportunity to be part of the decision-making process will provide just reward for their dedication. "We will take fan involvement and corporate governance to a level that has not been seen thus far so we're certainly trying to put the fans at the centre of the football club," he said. "It is trying to put fans at the centre of the club where they should be. In League One and League Two, with the regional clubs, the passion of the supporters is huge. It's right that you give supporters the right to influence the direction the club is going. "It's helpful from our stand-point that it has the benefit of four of the seven directors being directly elected by the fans. It's the most democratic process we could think of and as far as I'm concerned, as long as we're listening to the Green Army Supervisory Board, we are listening to the fanbase."