Krysiak took time to settle in

Image: Krysiak: Settled at St James' Park

Exeter's Artur Krysiak admits he found making the switch to English football from his native Poland like moving to a "different world".

Krysiak first came to England as a trainee with Birmingham in July 2007, but struggled to establish himself at St Andrew's and spent time out on loan at a variety of clubs before his switch to Devon in July 2010. Now the 23-year-old has claimed the number one jersey at St James' Park as his own, but he still reflects on the tough time he faced as a bright-eyed teenager wandering into the English game. "The first year when I first came was a little difficult, coming to a different country and things were very different," he said. "I can't compare the football level in Poland to the football here, they are very different worlds. "It was tough to change at first, the coaches have a way of thinking which is different and the style is different, but I've settled in now."