Johnson: We deserved to win

Image: Lee Johnson: Happy with second-half showing

Oldham boss Lee Johnson was relieved after his team had chalked up their first win of the season with a 2-0 success at Doncaster.

Latics began brightly and raced into the lead when Jonson-Clarke Harris fired home from close range in the fourth minute after latching on to a free-kick from Mike Jones. Reece Wabara and Kyle Bennett went close for Doncaster as they edged their way into the game in the first half, but they never really tested visiting goalkeeper Paul Rachubka after the interval. Oldham winger Jonathan Forte, who had three separate loan spells at Doncaster, wrapped up the points when Oldham were awarded a controversial penalty in the 59th minute. Luke McCullough appeared to have won the ball fairly as Danny Philliskirk tumbled over him when he charged into the box. But the referee pointed to the spot and Forte fired into the bottom corner, sending Doncaster goalkeeper Jed Steer the wrong way. Johnson said: "It's been a tough two or three weeks for us, but we came out and played like we can do and are delighted for the players, the staff and the fans. "We have played well in spells this season but we put it together in a manner that was very pleasing. "We started well, but the first half was fairly even-steven. After the interval I thought we were fantastic and the whole team deserves credit for that. "We worked on a game-plan which we executed perfectly and we also worked on a number of other things which I don't really want to publicise to our opponents. "There were some minor tweaks and major ones but it all came right on the day. "I couldn't really see what happened with the penalty, but I know they were disappointed with it and I can understand that. "But overall I don't think they could have any complaints about the result." Doncaster have won all four away games this season but have yet to record a home victory in seven attempts since March. Manager Dickov said: "It would be worth a million pounds if we knew the answer to the difference in our home and away performances. "Perhaps I should take a bit of the blame for not making changes and freshening the team up. "But we had done well in the last three matches and I wanted to keep faith with the players who had performed in those games. "That's something we need to look at in future because I thought there were two or three out there who looked a bit jaded. "But you have to give Oldham credit for the way they played and taking advantage when we were not at our best, although the penalty was a bad decision from our point of view. "We've had the advantage of looking at it again on video and Luke McCullough clearly played the ball and not the man." Dickov added: "We weren't good enough in the final third because we huffed and puffed without really getting anywhere and we have plenty to work on before our next match in a couple of weeks." Breaking news, transfer gossip, line ups and goal alerts from your football club - delivered direct to your mobile. Sign up for Sky Sports Alerts