Madden up for the cup

Image: Paddy Madden: Wants a good performance

Striker Paddy Madden has urged Scunthorpe to stay focused ahead of Sunday's FA Cup clash with non-league Worcester.

Last Saturday's 2-1 success at Barnsley made it three wins and a draw from four matches in November, with the Irishman bagging both goals at Oakwell. Now comes a first return to Glanford Park since late October and Madden told Iron Player: "It's been a good few weeks. "The manager's clever and we have been working on certain things in training, he knows what he wants and we got the result we deserve. "It feels like an eternity since we played at home and we're looking forward to the cup game. "We're going to have to put in a professional performance because they could cause an upset like they did at Coventry. The gaffer will have us in the right frame of mind to hopefully put in the right display."