Adams rounds on Vale critics

Image: Adams: Lets football do the talking

Micky Adams hit back at the critics who questioned Port Vale's promotion aspirations in the run-up to his team's 4-0 victory over Plymouth.

Some supporters slammed Vale's performance after they were beaten by Fleetwood at home on New Year's Day. But Adams said: "The criticism was disappointing. I've never said we are Barcelona or Real Madrid. We are Port Vale and we've lost five games all season. "We've also won three out of four games over Christmas and I'm sure a lot of teams would be very pleased with that record. You ask Plymouth, I'm sure they would be pleased. "There was an overreaction from the critics and the only way you can counter that is go out and win the next game. We didn't play well against Fleetwood but we've done everything right here and got the result." Adams, who made six changes to his starting line-up, added: "We changed the team around because I said after the Fleetwood game that we needed some fresh legs. "It's no slight on the players who were left out, but those who came in did very well. To a man the team has stuck to our game plan and worked really, really hard. I'm very pleased."