Neal Maupay: Teenager in Singapore handed nine-month probation order for online abuse of Brighton striker

Derek Ng has become the first person outside the UK to be convicted of sending abusive messages to a Premier League player; he was arrested earlier this year, after he was tracked down following a joint investigation by the Premier League and authorities in Singapore

The latest from Singapore as a teenager is sentenced for abusing Neal Maupay online

A 19-year-old man in Singapore has been handed a nine-month probation order after sending abusive messages - including death threats - to Brighton forward Neal Maupay.

Derek Ng has become the first person outside the UK to be convicted of sending abusive messages to a Premier League player.

He was arrested earlier this year, after he was tracked down following a joint investigation by the Premier League and authorities in Singapore.

The league's online abuse system helped track down the individual after Maupay received threatening and abusive messages on Instagram.

He sent the messages after Maupay scored a last-minute winner as Brighton beat Arsenal last June.

The Premier League launched an online abuse reporting system in June 2020 so players, managers and their families can report when they receive discriminatory abuse on social media.

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