Bournemouth's Harry Arter receives congratulations on becoming father

Image: Harry Arter has become a father to daughter Raine

Bournemouth midfielder Harry Arter has become a father after his partner Rachel gave birth to a baby girl.

Arter, 27, has received goodwill messages from people across football following the birth of Raine, who was born 14 months after his daughter Renee was delivered stillborn.

Image: Arter was touched by Pep Guardiola's comments after Bournemouth's defeat to Manchester City

The Bournemouth midfielder paid tribute to Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola earlier this week, who wished him luck with the birth in the wake of City's win over the Cherries on Monday, before Arter jokingly quipped: "Come and sign me!"

Arter has now been sent congratulatory messages from his club on the new family addition, with chairman Jeff Mostyn leading the tributes on social media.

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Bournemouth's squad are currently undergoing a mid-season training camp at Real Madrid's base in Spain ahead of their next Premier League fixture against West Bromwich Albion on February 25.
