Spireites smiling at the summit

Image: Davies: Hit a 20-yard opener

Chesterfield stretched their lead to 11 points at the top of League Two with a solid 3-0 away win over Cheltenham.

Leading marksman Craig Davies got the ball rolling for Chesterfield in the 35th minute when he pounced on a dreadful error by Cheltenham central defender Ashley Eastham who completely mis-kicked when attempting to clear allowing Davies to race through and fire home from 20 yards out. Chesterfield deservedly increased their lead in the 46th minute when dangerman Davies shook off the attentions of Steve Elliott to get to the by-line and cleverly squared the ball back for the oncoming Kieran Djilali who smacked home from the edge of the box giving Cheltenham goalkeeper Scott Brown no chance at all. Chesterfield wrapped up the points in the 86th minute when the irrepressible Davies chalked up his 20th goal of the season when he turned the luckless Eastham with ease before firing home underneath Brown.