Shots swoop for Imps winger

Image: Jarrett: Wings in at Aldershot

Aldershot manager Dean Holdsworth has completed the signing of Albert Jarrett on a month's loan from Lincoln.

The 26-year-old winger, who has made 26 appearances for the Imps this season, will stay with the Shots until March 22. Holdsworth told the club's official website: "Albert is a player that I have worked with before and he is an exciting talent. He adds some quality to the squad and I am really looking forward to working with him. "I would like to express my appreciation to the Player Transfer Fund who have helped to fund the loan deal and we are extremely grateful to all the supporters who have contributed to the scheme which is a tremendous asset to have. "The main reason in adding Albert to the squad is due to the fact that Jermain McGlashan needs a rest at this moment in time. Jermaine is a tremendous prospect who has made excellent progress this season but it is important we manage his development and look after him. "We need to ensure that he does not become fatigued as we continue to look towards a bright future."