Bulls boss totally stunned

Image: Pitman: Stunned by Silkmen's goals

Hereford boss Jamie Pitman was speechless after a four-goal spree by Macclesfield dismantled his team on Tuesday night.

Tony Diagne and Ross Draper gave Macclesfield a lead before substitute Ben Tomlinson netted a late brace to seal the rout. But Pitman felt Hereford had outgunned Macclesfield in the first 20 minutes. "I don't really know what to say after dominating the game," said Pitman. "Goals change games, it's as simple as that - decisions also change games and I'm not going to have a go at the referee. "We played very well in the first half and no one can deny that, but in the second the goals changed the game and decisions by the players also changed the outcome. "Now I will be doing everything I can to try and put it all right. So will the players who are also disappointed and dejected, but I will pick myself up because I know that I'm doing the right things. "But we have got to be more ruthless and I have said that many times. That's all I can say, but we've got to learn by our mistakes and do it very quickly."