Warne set for new Millers deal

Image: Warne: Still going strong

Veteran striker Paul Warne is set to earn a new deal at Rotherham, where his years of experience will help boost the club.

The 38-year-old, who made his first appearance of the season in the 0-0 draw at Gillingham last week, has been adopting a player-coach role at Don Valley for the last two years and had a spell as caretaker-manager last term in between the sacking of Ronnie Moore and current boss Andy Scott's appointment. Scott retained Warne's services in his backroom staff and despite his age, looks set to extend his playing days even further. "He's great to have around the place," Scott said. "It's something we have spoken about for next year, about maybe continuing him as a player and using him in other areas with the first team. "His experience is invaluable and also the way he looks after himself. "I want him around the first team, he's a good link between me and the players and if you ask him to do something he'll do it."