Barry extends Accrington stay

Image: Anthony Barry: Staying put at Stanley

Accrington midfielder Anthony Barry has extended his loan spell from Forest Green until the end of the season.

The 28-year-old has made three appearances during his second spell at the Store First Stadium since joining in October. "He's great to have around the place and his good habits tend to rub off on the rest of the players," manager John Coleman told the official club website. "It's been a bit frustrating for Anthony that he hasn't played as much as he would have wanted. "He loves the club and we didn't have to think twice about extending the deal. "He's a valuable, experienced professional in our dressing room, he's got a good rapport with the players and I've got no hesitation in putting him in the team if we need to play him. He's a great asset to us." Meanwhile, goalkeeper Luke Simpson and midfielder Craig Roddan are both moving on after the expiration of their short-term deals.