Rangers goalkeeper Steve Simonsen may face further SFA punishment

Image: Steve Simonsen: Rangers goalkeeper was involved in betting offences

The Scottish Football Association is seeking further punishment for Rangers goalkeeper Steve Simonsen over betting offences.

Simonsen served a one-game ban earlier this month after admitting breaking the SFA's ‘zero tolerance rules’ by gambling on a total of 50 games in a year.

The 35-year-old had not bet on any games relating to his club's competitions and was given a one-match ban with another suspended when an SFA-convened judicial panel met on February 12.

But now SFA compliance officer Tony McGlennan has challenged that decision.

A statement read: "The Scottish FA can confirm that the compliance officer has appealed against the sanction imposed on Steve Simonsen (Rangers FC) at a disciplinary hearing on February 12, 2015.

"An appellate tribunal will convene in due course to consider the appeal, which the compliance officer has stated under paragraph 14.3 of the judicial panel protocol, on the basis that the sanction imposed was unduly lenient."
