Revista Predictor: Real Madrid draw stumps pundits

By David Garrido

The Saturday triple-header served up opportunities for our experts to win big points on the #RevistaPredictor this week, but only one really took advantage, as David Garrido explains.

Each of our three games involved at least one side in the top five, and so maybe the Predictor was showing a bit of pre-Christmas cheer as we head into December, before he inevitably goes all "bah humbug" on us...


This game was the one which provided the most varied forecasts, with everyone except myself picking up at least a point - one apiece to Jon Driscoll and David Phillips for predicting an Atletico victory, while Kevin earned four by going for a 2-1 win.

Image: Antoine Griezmann scored Atletico Madrid's winner

Rob Palmer got a much-needed six for first goalscorer, not that Real Sociedad could hold on to the lead that Willian Jose had given them from the penalty spot. Filipe Luis doesn't score often, but they can be vital goals, and who else but Antoine Griezmann to get the winner? That's now four wins in a row for Atleti, having scored 12 goals, so have they maybe turned a corner? That is some form to take to Chelsea on Tuesday night.


Another first goalscorer here for Rob - Wissam Ben Yedder breaking the deadlock - and he got another point for saying Sevilla would win. The 2-0 scoreline was a popular choice and ended up being the right one - four points each for me, and Messrs Driscoll and Keatings - and one more point for the other David for predicting Sevilla to take the points.


Since losing at Barcelona, Sevilla have put together a five-match unbeaten run in all competitions, winning four, including the last three...and it's also great to see Michael Krohn-Dehli back on the scoresheet after his injury issues of the last two seasons - Sevilla's second was his first La Liga goal since early October 2015.


Image: Real Madrid were held to a 0-0 draw at Athletic Bilbao

This final game stumped all the pundits - and no-one got anything apart from David Phillips again for the right match outcome at San Mames - the rest of us had all gone for away's a result which helps neither side, especially with Athletic needing to put points on in threes to climb the table back towards the European places, and Madrid having won only three out of now eight games in all competitions.

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As far as the title race is concerned, this, coupled with Valencia's defeat at Getafe on Sunday, meant Barcelona were let off the hook big time, and their lead stands at a very healthy five points. Kevin Keatings is also building a decent advantage in the overall standings...

So Rob Palmer is the big mover this week, from joint-bottom to clear third, and he has Jon Driscoll in his sights...

But who did well out in the Twittersphere? Loads of you, but the top-scorer was @George__Njoroge with 14 points - perfect scorelines at the Wanda and San Mames, plus Willian Jose as first scorer, while @AlLaLiga and @Sushant488 both got 12 points, and there were 11-point hauls for @LukeAM13, @WezTucker and @FammA_25.

Next trio of chosen games will be released next Friday, so watch out on our Twitter feed @SkyRevista
