Rost set for contract reward

Image: Rost: Vetern shot-stopper

Hamburg are prepared to offer veteran goalkeeper Frank Rost an extension to his current contract.

While Rincon agrees new terms

Hamburg are prepared to offer veteran goalkeeper Frank Rost an extension to his current contract. The 36-year-old had feared that he may be forced to retire next summer as his deal edged towards a conclusion. With no discussions having been held regarding fresh terms, he openly voiced his concerns that his playing days were coming to an end. However, Hamburg have taken his pleas on board and insist they are only too happy to prolong the former Germany international's association with the club. "I have made up my mind and Frank knows about it," said coach Bruno Labbadia. "There were a lot of things agreed with Frank and, as a club, we had to do our homework, clarify a few aspects and evaluate things correctly." Labbadia has also confirmed that Venezuelan midfielder Tomas Rincon has agreed a new four-and-a-half year contract. "Tomas has made the breakthrough in recent weeks and we can see room for improvement and hope that this will lift him onwards and upwards," he added.