David Gill elected as Britain's FIFA vice-president by UEFA

David Gill has promised to ask the big questions to world football’s governing body after being elected as Britain's FIFA vice-president

David Gill has been elected by UEFA as Britain's FIFA vice-president, defeating Football Association of Wales president Trefor Lloyd Hughes in an election in Vienna.

Gill, who is also vice-chairman of the Football Association, will succeed Northern Ireland's Jim Boyce in May and will have a four-year term on FIFA's executive committee.

The 57-year-old beat Trefor Lloyd Hughes by 43 votes to 10 in the election by UEFA's 54 member nations at their congress in Vienna.

FA chairman Greg Dyke has said he wants Gill to be part of the "awkward squad" on FIFA asking tough questions and keeping an eye on financial decisions.

Gill told Sky Sports News HQ: "I'm clearly very pleased. Having decided to throw your hat in the ring, to get voted in is the outcome you want.


"I'd like to say thanks to Jim Boyce - he's been representing the home nations for the past four years with a great deal of integrity and diligence. He's done an excellent job. 

"My main aim is to be an efficient and productive member of the FIFA executive committee. What does that mean? Working with my colleagues in UEFA, the seven other UEFA representatives and playing a part in how FIFA moves forward in areas like governance, transparency and other football issues. I will learn, and then hope to make a contribution."

Football Association chairman Greg Dyke has said he wants Gill to be part of the "awkward squad" on FIFA, asking tough questions and keeping an eye on financial decisions.

Gill said: "I wouldn't use the word awkward, I've always viewed my role at Manchester United and then the FA and the Premier League to ask relevant and appropriate questions. I don't think that is being awkward - that's just doing the job.

"I'm not being elected just to get another blazer with four letters on it, I'm trying to play a role and assist my other colleagues from UEFA and some very good people from around the world."

Earlier, Lloyd Hughes and Scottish FA president Campbell Ogilivie failed in their attempt to be elected to UEFA's executive committee. They were among 12 candidates for seven seats - in the second round of voting Lloyd Hughes secured only a single one of the possible 54 votes.

The new names on UEFA's executive committee include the former Croatia and Arsenal striker Davor Suker, and Boris Mikhailov, the former Reading and Bulgaria goalkeeper who was renowned for wearing a wig even in matches.
