Chung Mong-Joon: Platini not good for FIFA presidency

Image: FIFA president Sepp Blatter (L) shakes hands with UEFA president Michel Platini during the 65th FIFA Congress in May

Michel Platini has been criticised by a rival for the FIFA presidency as being "a product of the system".

Chung Mong-Joon, a former FIFA vice-president from South Korea, announced last week he intends to run for the presidency and is expected to formally launch his campaign in August.

The 63-year-old, a long-term critic of outgoing president Sepp Blatter, has called for a non-European to be elected to FIFA's top post.

UEFA president Platini confirmed his intention to run for world football's top job on Wednesday and has the support of four of the six FIFA confederations,while FA chairman Greg Dyke and the Welsh FA have both publicly given their backing.

He is clear favourite to replace Blatter after becoming one of the most outspoken opponents to the 79-year-old's regime, but Chung believes the Frenchman is tainted by his past associations with the president.

Image: Former FIFA vice president Chung Mong-Joon

"Platini is good for football, but whether he can be a good FIFA president, I don't think so. He is a product of the current FIFA system," said Chung.

"There are several questions we can have whether Platini can symbolise a new era for FIFA or whether he is simply a protege of Blatter.”

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Chung, who is the major shareholder of South Korea's Hyundai Group, was one of a number of executive committee members who actively campaigned against Blatter's re-election in 2002, backing African rival Issa Hayatou and accusing the FIFA president of misusing funds. 

"President Blatter is like a cannibal eating his parents and then crying he's an orphan. He tries to blame everybody except himself," said Chung. "If I get elected... I'll try to have more transparency and development. I'll try to eliminate corruption."

Image: Chung was replaced as FIFA vice president by fellow candidate Prince Ali bin al-Hussein

Candidates have until October 26, exactly four months before the vote, to come forward, and to date Platini, Chung and Prince Ali bin al-Hussein are the only three to declare their intention to run.

They must have the confirmed backing of at least five of FIFA's 209 member nations, and be cleared by the world governing body's ethics committee to be able to stand.

The Welsh FA on Thursday followed their English colleagues in backing Platini's candidacy, with chief executive Jonathan Ford saying: "We have always enjoyed an excellent relationship with Michel. He is very much a football man and we are supportive of the excellent work and all his accomplishments at UEFA, as he is supportive of all the work and progress we have made for football in Wales.

"We are confident that Michel Platini is the ideal candidate to bring about reform at FIFA."
