Taylor slams Fifa insult

Image: Taylor: Questioned Fifa philosophy

Gordon Taylor believes it is 'something of an insult' that Fifa overlooked England's World Cup bid.

PFA boss feels the game's global community is against England

PFA's chief executive Gordon Taylor believes it is 'something of an insult' that Fifa overlooked England's bid to host for the 2018 World Cup. Instead the hosting rights were given to Russia on Thursday, while Qatar were awarded the 2022 tournament. And Taylor not only shares the nation's disappointment but feels the game's governing body has a lot to answer for. "I feel sorry for all the people who have put so much hard work into giving England the best possible chance to stage the World Cup since 1966. It's been too long," he said in a statement on the PFA's official website, givemefootball.com. "The presentation by David Beckham, the Prime Minister and Prince William was superb. The best of any. And the question we are all asking at the end of it all is 'why wasn't it good enough?' "One of the other questions is 'why does it go to Russia?' One of the richest countries in the world. Only FIFA delegates can answer this.

English contribution

"Russia have not had the World Cup before so that was probably in their favour. But maybe people seem to forget how much we have contributed to football for so many years. "It seems that, because we are the losers, then we are complaining, but the only way to correct that is by concentrating on building an England team that can win the tournament, if we can't host it." England were out of the running after the first round of votes after just two members of Fifa's executive committee backed the English bid. And Taylor admits it appears England are out of favour with the game's major decision makers.
"You have to wonder whether there is a resentment of English football," he added. "We talk about the 'football family' but at the moment we are not as highly regarded as we desire to be. "There are many questions to be asked about why/how Fifa came to this decision. Fifa's role is to look at other areas throughout the world. Maybe that is their philosophy, and why we have been rebuffed. "The annoying thing is that, in terms of the bid, we ticked all the boxes and answered all of the questions Fifa asked of us. So it is something of an insult for us not to be considered as serious contenders. To not get past the first round of voting is incredible. "We have to remember that this is Fifa's game; their ball and we have to play by their rules. But we have to take this on the chin, move on and make sure we have a team capable of winning their tournament."