Scotland remove image advertising women's kit after being deemed sexist

By Sky Sports News

Image: Scotland's official kit retailer removed the image of their women's shirt online (Credit: JD Sports)

Scotland's official football kit retailer has removed an online image showing the women’s shirt, after it was deemed sexist.

JD Sports posted pictures of both the men's and women's kit. Male models appeared in standard sports style pictures, while the female model was posing, wearing ripped jeans.

The image has now been taken down, following discussions with the Scottish FA.

A JD Sports Spokesperson said: "We occasionally test alternative product styles online to appeal to the full range of customers who visit our site, from those interested in high fashion and athleisure, to sportspeople and football fans looking for kits and training equipment.

"While the principal images used for this product online were modelled in the traditional sportswear style, an alternative fashion-led image was tested for a short time.

"Following comments from one customer and discussions with the Scottish FA, this image has been removed.

"The product is now only displayed on our sales channels in the traditional style, and our photography guidelines have been reviewed to ensure this doesn't happen again.

"We remain committed to promoting and supporting the Scotland Women's teams in the build-up to the FIFA Women's World Cup this summer, and apologise for any upset this has caused."